

Great Rock House - Gastank Vol.6 1984

1. Why Oh Why - Tony Ashton
2. Gastank - Opening - Rick Wakeman, Tony Ashton
3. Carifornia Man - Roy Wood
4. Down To Zero - Roy Wood
5. Gone But Not Forgotten - Rick Wakeman
6. He'll Have To Go - Frankie Miller
7. Burn To Body - The Cimarons
8. Deep Pockets - Tony Ashton, Rick Wakeman
9. Camino Royale - Steve Hackett
10. Hackett's Boogie - Steve Hackett

これはRick Wakemanが司会のTVショーをクラウンがVHSとレーザーディスクでリリースしたものです。この時代、Steve HackettとRick Wakemanのジャムがテレビで放送されていたなんて、イギリスすばらしすぎです!

This Hackett and Wakeman' jam session in Rick Wakeman's TV show was released as VHS/LD by Crown Label in Japan.  UK is really amazing such a great jam was on TV in 1983!
I have been looking for this VHS copy more than 10 years but not at all.

Vôo de Coração - Ritchie 1984

1. No Olhar
2. A Vida Tem Dessas Coisas
3. Vôo De Coração *
4. Casanova
5. Menina Veneno
6. Preço do Prazer
7. Pelo Interfone
8. A Carta (The Letter)
9. Parabéns Pra Você
10. Tudo Que Eu Quero (Tranquilo)

Bonus Tracks:
11. Baby Meu Bem (Te Amo)**
12. Mi Niña Veneno (Menina Veneno) [Spanish]
13. The Letter
14. Vôo De Coração [versão 2008]

* Guitars: Steve Hackett
** Guitars: Vitor Boglioni, Steve Hackett

先生がブラジルのシンガー、Ritchieとかかわった最初の作品です。前年リリースした"Till We Have Faces"はブラジルのアーチスト多数が参加していたので、その関係でこのアルバムに参加することになったのでしょうか。先生が参加しているのは3曲目の"Vôo De Coração"とボーナストラックの"Baby Meu Bem"の2曲です。"Vôo De Coração"のオープニングのギターは「あれっ」と思うと思いますが、"Dark Town"の"Jane Austen's Door"と同じですね。"Baby Meu Bem"のほうは、先生らしいパートは皆無なのですが、ほんの一瞬だけ、Cell 151のリフを思い起こさせる箇所があります。

This is the first album that Steve participated in with Ritchie. He released "Till We Have Faces" that he played with many Brazilian musicians in the previous year. This might have made the connection with Steve and Ritchie.  Steve appears on "Vôo De Coração" and the 11th track "Baby Meu Bem" which is a bonus track of the 2008 version of this album subtitled "Edicao Comemorativa De 25 Anos".  The opening guitar solo of "Vôo De Coração" is same as "Jane Austen's Door" of "Dark Town".  Steve is not playing any remarkable solo on "Baby Meu Bem" but he plays the riff that reminds me of the one that appears in Cell 151 at only one moment.


My Kingdom Come - Nightwing 1984

1. Back On The Streets
2. Fingers In The Fire
3. Night Of Mystery
4. Give Me The Love That I Want
5. Cell 151
6. The Devil Walks Behind You
7. Living Behind The 8 Ball
8. Men Of War
9. My Kingdom Come

Bonus Tracks
10. Overnight Sensation
11. Bird Has Flown
12. Long Hard Road
13. Searching
14. Evil Woman
15. Black Summer
16. Don't Walk To Loose You

Max BaconがGTRの前に活動していたNightwingの4作目。3曲目のNight Of MysteryはプロデュースがSteve Hackett, Godon Rowleyとなっていてシングルカットされています。また、5曲目はあの"Cell 151"となっていますが、先生抜きのような気がします。ちなみにロゴはRoger Deanです。
リンクしたビデオの投稿者はドラマーのSteve Bartleyですね。ちょっとびっくり。

This is the fourth album of NWOBHM band Nightwing which GTR singer Max Bacon was a member of.  The 3rd. track "Night Of Mystery" produced by Steve Hackett and Gordon Rowley was also released as single.  The 5th track is "Cell 151" but Steve does not seem to be playing on this track.  The logo is designed by Roger Dean.
The Owner of the both videos is the Drummer Steve Bartley. A bit Surprised. 

Night Of Mystery - Nightwing(Single) 1984

Side 1
Night Of Mystery(from the LP "My Kingdom Come")
Additional guitar Steve hackett
Additional vocal Armando Hurley
Produced by Steve Hackett and Gordon Rowley
Side 2
Dressed To Kill(from the LP "Stand Up And Be Counted")
Edge Of A Knife
Produced by Gordon Rowley

こちらはシングル。12" 45rpm single.


1000 Wishes - PBII 2013

先生の旅は順風満帆のようですね。Gensis Revisited IIのワールドツアーの出航も盛況だったようです。
PBIIというこのオランダのバンドファーストアルバムでは環境問題をとりあげていましたが、1000 Wishesというタイトルのつけられた今回のセカンド・アルバムでは、KiKaという小児ガンから子供たちを救うための基金にフォーカスし、売り上げをこの基金に寄付することを目的としたプロジェクトとなっています。内容はVo, G, B, Key, Dsの5ピースによる全15曲のところどころYesを思い起こさせるロック・オペラ形式シンフォニック・ロックで、9歳のエリックという少年がガンと闘う物語を描いています。先生は9曲目の"Evil Weed"に参加しています。
PBIIはオジサン5人組なのですが、Hague Youth Symphony Orchestraというおそらく高校生〜大学生くらいの若者オーケストラがバックを支えていて、ビデオなどでみるとこれがとても印象的で、こういうテーマで、オジサン5人組のプログレと若者オーケストラがコラボなんて、なんだかとても感銘を受けてしまいます。プログレをバックにして女の子が踊るとか(これがなんかイイ。ヘンな意味じゃないですよ)、日本ではありえないですね。こういう趣旨のCDなので、まだの方は是非購入してください。

The Dutch Band, PBII who took up environmental issues for their first album, this time focuses on Stichting KiKa (Kinderen Kankervrij Cancer-free children's foundation) for this second album.  Their symphonic rock by 5 piece of vo, g, b, key, ds sometimes reminds me of Yes and the rock opera style lyrics are based on the story of nine-year old Eric who struggles against cancer. Steve plays the guitar on the ninth track "Evil Weed".
The music is supported by Hague Youth Symphony Orchestra and the collaboration with prog rock by 5 guys and young people orchestra, dancing girls is unlikely to happen in Japan and that is very impressive to me.  
I would like to highly recommend this for the objective of this project.


Wind In The Willows - Eddie Hardin & Zak Starkey 1985

Side A
1. Wind In The Willows(風物詩〜プロローグ) - Steve Hackett
2. Good Morning To You(お早う君に) - Eddie Hardin
3. I'd Forgotten How To Smile(笑いを忘れてしまった私)- Val McKenna and Joe Fagin
4. The Wild Wood(恐ろしい木々) - Tony Ashton
5. The Badger(あなぐま)- Chris Thompson

Side B
1. I'm Looking Forward To Tomorrow(明日への予感) - Joe Fagin
2. Mr. Toad(ミスターひき蛙) - Tony Ashton
3. Piper At The Gates Of Dawn(夜明けの門のいそしぎ) - Chris Thompson
4. Wayfarers All(旅人たちよ) - Eddie Hardin
5. Wind In The Willows(風物詩〜エピローグ) - Donovan

All titles written by Eddie Hardin except for:
"The Wild Woods" by Eddie Hardin and Zak Starkey
"Mr Toad" by Eddie Hardin and Tony Barton

Keyboards - Eddie Hardin
Drums & Percussion - Zak Starkey
Electric Guitars - Ray Fenwick and Chris Thompson
Bass Guitar - Mike O'Donnell except on "Piper At The Gates Of Dawn" - John Entwistle
Lead Guitar on "Wind In The Willows" - Steve Hackett
Saxophones - Raf Ravenscroft and Bimbo Acock

日本版タイトルは「風物語」で「たのしい川べ〜ヒキガエルの冒険」という副題がつけられており、これはオリジナル文学作品の日本語訳どおりとなっています。以下、ライナーによると、このアルバムのベースとなっているKennes Grahameの"Wind In The Willows"という作品は、ヒキガエルやらモグラやらネズミやらが繰り広げるエピソードや冒険を描いた、イギリス児童文学におけるファンタジーの先駆的作品だということです。Steveの参加している1曲目はインスト曲で、このころのギターはどちらかというと、まだジェネシス時代や初期の作品のトーンが強くでていて、なんかいい味がでています。

This album based on Kennes Grahame's children's fantasic literature  "Wind In The Willows(1908)" has subtitle "The funny riverside - Adventure of a Toad" for the Japanese edition.  Steve plays on the first track which is instrumental, where the guitar sounds like Genesis era or the early solo works.

Wind In The Willows(without Steve)


Strange Land - Box Of Frogs 1986

1. Get It While You Can
2. You Mix Me Up
3. Average
4. House On Fire
5. Hanging From The Wreckage
6. Heart Full Of Soul
7. Asylum
8. Strange Land
9. Trouble

Box Of Frogs:
Chris Dreja(g, p)
James(Jim) McCarty(ds, p)
Paul Samwell-Smith(b)
John Fiddler(vo, g, p)

Jimmy Page - guitar on 2
Steve Hackett - guitar on 3, 9
Rory Gallagher - guitar on 2, 4, 6, electric sitar on 5, 6
John Knightbridge - guitar on 1
Graham Parker - voval on 1
Ian Dury - vocal on 3
Roger Chapman - vocal on 6, 8
Graham Gouldman - guitar on 6
Peter-John Vettese - keyboads on 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
Max Middleton - keyboads on 3

Yard BirdsのオリジナルメンバーだったChris Dreja, James(Jim) McCarty, Paul Samwell-Smithの3人と元Medicine Head, British LionsのJohn Fiddlerによって83年に結成されたBox Of Frogsのセカンド・アルバム。Jimmy Pageも参加しているし、実質Yard Birdsの再編といっていいような編成に加えて、豪華なゲストが顔をそろえています。先生は3曲目と9曲目に参加していますが、とりわけ9曲目のTroubleでは、かなり聞きごたえのあるソロを展開しています。

This is the second album of Box Of Frogs which was formed by 3 original members of Yard Birds - Chris Dreja, James(Jim) McCarty, Paul Samwell-Smith and John Fiddler(ex. Medicine Head, British Lions).  Another Yard Birds member Jimmy Page is also involved to make it almost Yard Birds and many well-known players appear on this album. Steve plays on track 3 and outstanding long solo on track 9 "Trouble".


Loucura & Magica - Ritchie 1987 

1. Tudo Normal
2. Me Gusta La Rumba
3. Loucura E Mágica
4. Mariana
5. Transas
6. Guerra Civil
7. Mentira
8. Forças De Dentro
9. Meantime*

Steve contributed to the track marked*. 


これが最初の感想ですね。Jim Capaldiの"Let the Thursday Cry"をプロースしたらしいですがホントですかね?  ブラジルつながりだと思いますが、どういう知り合いだったんでしょう?
This is the second time that Steve contributes to Ritchie. According to All Music, Ritchie worked as producer of Jim Capaldi's "Let the Thursday Cry" 1981 but almost unknown at that time so I am interested in how this collaboration got realized.



Sailing - Rock Against Repatriation(Single) 1990

Side A - Sailing
Side B - Sailing(Instrumental)

Produced by Steve Hackett
Vocals: Bonnie Tyler, Paul Carrack, Curt Smith(Tears For Fears), Mark King(Level 42), Judie Tzuke, Steve Hogarth(Marillion), Kevin Godley, Fish, Ian Sutherland, Jim Diamond, Justin Hayward
Backing Vocals: Tom Conti, Marillion, Steve Hackett, Paul Muggleton, Judie Tzuke
Guitars: Brian May(Queen), Steve Hackett, Phil Manzanera, Steve Rothery(Marillion)
Bass: Pino Palladino
Piano: Howard Jones
Keyboards and Programming: Nick Magnus
Percussion: Nick Magnus
Drums: Simon Phillips
Strings: The London Chamber Orchestra (arrangements Nick Magnus)
Bagpipes: The Pride of Murray Pipe Band
Secial Guests: Mike Rutherford, Adam Woods(The Fixx), John Hackett

ロッド・スチュワートのカバーで大変有名な曲ですが、オリジナルはSutherland Brothersが1972年にリリースしたアルバムに収録されています。

This song was released to protest to repatriation of "boat people" by HongKong government. Refer to the article of "Song for boat people" 14.Dec.1989.
This very famous song covered by Rod Stewart was originally released by Sutherland Brothers in 1972. 

Music Of Pink Floyd - Orchestral Maneuvers - David Palmer and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 1991

1970年代後半のJethro TullのメンバーだったDee Palmerによるロックレジェンドのシンフォニック・アレンジ・シリーズのPink Floydバージョン。このシリーズはこの他に、Genesisもすでに出ていて、先生はこちらにも参加しています。曲別のクレジットがないのですが、5.Moneyと7.On The Turning Awayのギターは一聴で先生のものだということがわかります。日本語ライナーでも、はっきりとした事はわからないような書き方なのですが、1.Run Like Hell, 5.Hey Youでも「いかにもスティーヴ・ハケット〜」といっているけど、違うと思うな〜。

This album is the Pink Floyd version of symphonic arrange series of rock legends by former Jethro Tull member Dee Palmer and L.S.O.  Genesis version was released in 1987 and Steve Hackett also appeared on this. There is no credit information by tracks but obviously Steve plays on "Money" and "On The Tuning Away".  Japanese liner notes say that "Run like Hell" and "Hey You" would be played by Steve but I don't think so.