Yairi Guitarのこと
初めて、Yairiの名前を知ったのは、たしか、Please Don't TouchのEquipmentだったと思います。 Racing in AからKimに続くパートがとても印象的で、そのときからヤイリの名前が忘れられなくなりました。
Mainichi News reported today that Kazuo Yairi of Yairi Classics died at 81. His acoustic guitars have been loved by world famous musicians such as Paul McCartney and Carlos Santana, Crosby/Nash, Ritchie Blackmore, and
Steve Hackett was one of those who loved Yairi guitar.
I could not forget the name of Yairi since I first found Yairi Nylon listed in the equipment list of Please Don't Touch, which has beautiful and impressive acoustic pieces Kim, Racin' in A and Hoping Love Will Last.
Steve and Yairi - photo from Steve Hackett Official Website.